The UEFA championships 2012 are a major event in Poland and the Ukraine. Huge amounts of money are invested, stadiums are built, hopes are high for beneficial effects for the two countries and their inhabitants and for increased attention from Europe and beyond. But are these investments really sustainable? Who makes the decisions? Who pays? Who gains? What are the side-effects on the environment? What can the individual do for a better balance of economic, social and environmental interests? This blog shows results of an international seminar financed by the Polish-German Youth Exchange (DPJW/PNWM) as part of their programme 'Spotkajmy się pojutrze - Treffpunkt übermorgen'.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Flag confusion... :-)

Belarusian girl painting
Polish flag on
German cheek
- lubie to!
Football is not always just about playing with a ball - identities and allegiances are also something that can be played with!

Maybe this should be done more often...?

PS: If the girl hadn't run out of the blue colour, I would have loved to have the Ukrainian flag on my other cheek!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Чемпионат Евро-2012 в Донецке

Именно такой визитной карточкой стала эмблема города Донецка к Евро-2012
    Донецк -  город «силы и красоты»,  черный ромб и красный круг,  по замыслу авторов символизируют "уголь" – силу и "розу" – красоту.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Волонтерское движение в Украине

Футбольный чемпионат Евро-2012 позади. И то, что чемпионат прошел на высоком уровне и заслужил признание во всем мире, - немалая заслуга украинской молодежи. На кануне проведения Евро-2012 в адрес Украины звучало много критики и негатива. Но, несмотря ни на что, нашей стране удалось организовать и провести футбольный чемпионат на самом высоком уровне. Иностранные фанаты были поражены украинской гостеприимностью, отзывчивостью и радушием. И большая заслуга в этом именно волонтеров.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Film "Natural resources and the environment"

Следующий видеоролик был подготовлен в рамках международного проекта "Матч длится 90 минут, а что потом?" Екатериной Бинчуковой, Дарьей Паниотовой, Krzysztof Okoński с помощью Adam Symonowicz.

The following movie was prepared within the framework of the international project "The match lasts 90 minutes - and then?" by Ekaterina Binchukova, Darya Panyotova and Krzysztof Okoński with the support of Adam Symonowicz.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Торунь - город вдохновения (продолжение)

(This article about the trip to Toruń is the continuation of the one published by Darya Panyotova on 11 August.)

Пробыв в этом очаровательном городке всего пол дня, можно влюбиться навсегда! Каждая улица, каждое здание наполнено особой красотой. Мы обошли всего лишь малую часть города, но открыли для себя отдельный новый мир...

Незабываемые дни... / Unforgettable days...

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Торунь - город вдохновения

В один прекрасный летний день, во время нашего пребывания в Отвоцке на семинаре "Об устойчивом развитии на примере Евро 2012" нам выпала такая возможность посетить один из красивейших городов Польши - Торунь.

Торунь расположен на  севере Польши, в 250 км от столицы Польской Республики - Варшавы. Торунь - один из красивейших и наиболее средневековых городов в Польше, занесенный в список мирового культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Этот город является родиной знаменитого ученого Николая Коперника, который наиболее известен как автор гелиоцентрической системы мира. 

Памятник Николаю Копернику

Thursday, 19 July 2012

The EURO of the Sponsors

The following video film was produced by Isabelle Daniel, Aleksandra Kubica and Stefan Kraneis with the help of Adam Symonowicz:

Football means more than just sports. When UEFA announced Poland and Ukraine as venues of EURO 2012, both countries started to invest in their infrastructures. Plenty of airports, railway stations and public places have been renewed ever since. Poland alone spent 100 billion zloty (ca. 23 billion Euro) on the preparations and realization of the championship. Besides, private investors took EURO 2012 as a chance to make investments in the big Polish and Ukrainian cities. Urban development thus seems to go hand in hand with the hostage of the tournament. Warsaw is a place where urban changes become clearly visible.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Film "Eurowork"

The following short movie was created under the topic "work/labour in the context of EURO 2012" by Jowita Omiecińska, Daniel Panasiuk and Anne Mühlich (see also the previous post on this topic).

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


The Polish capital with its 1,8 Mio. inhabitants made on me always an impression of a busy, fast growing and lively city, but during the European Football Championship it was even more of almost everything. More "reklama", more people (especially more tourists who tried to test the policemen whether they do speak English or not), more closed roads and also more workers on the streets.

It was obvious that through EURO 2012 a lot of new jobs were created... people working as gardeners, cleaners, policemen, distributors of leaflets, for security-purposes, to put make-up on people in the colours of the countries and, last but not least, the construction workers, who built the highways and, for example, the Warsaw National Stadium.

But who are these people? How were their work conditions? And will they have to face unemployment after the EURO 2012? Of course it is a broad topic, but maybe there are some points to learn about this.

Friday, 29 June 2012

An (un)usual night in strefa kibica

Strefa kibica, the fan zone in the heart of Warsaw. It is the day of the second semi-final, the match between Italy and Germany which is played just two kilometres from the zone, in the brand-new stadion narodowy (national stadium) on the other side of the river Vistula. We have the chance to talk to Łukasz Cudny, co-ordinator of the many young volunteers working in the strefa kibica. He gives an insight into the organisation of the zone and its tough regulations, most of which are imposed by UEFA in order to serve the interests of its sponsors.

Łukasz Cudny is interviewed by our participant, Jowita Omiecińska,
and filmed by Adam Symonowicz

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Instructions on how to destroy the planet

These young people from Poland, Germany and the Ukraine are not stupid - they know exactly what they want. They want it now and always, and they don't care about the consequences. Just look for yourself:


Monday, 25 June 2012

Premiere - our first post!

Monday, 25 June 2012 - The second full day of our Polish-Ukrainian-German youth seminar in Otwock near Warszawa (PL) comprised two main themes: firstly, sustainable development issues on different levels and, secondly, the possibilities of modern media technologies for publishing our project results.

Shooting the first project video with Adam, our media trainer